Date: Wednesday 31st May
Time: 20:00
Attendance: about 350.000 people
Vision: the Holy Family |
The flow of
pilgrims from everywhere carried on uninterruptedly since the
night before, so much so that the authorities were worried for
the public order. It is held that more than 90.000 people arrived
form Piedmont, many of which on foot. That afternoon, the sun
rays were scorching, the crowd huge. Towards 18:30, Adelaide
was carried by a commissioner to the place of the apparitions
in his arms. Adelaide complained of sharp pains in her inside.
The doctors consulted together. In spite of the pain, nobody
could persuade her to go home. Then, suddenly, she got up on
her feet and started praying. After some time, she said firmly:
"She is coming any moment now! ". She let out a deep
sigh and her look became clear and radiant. The holy Family
was there. |
From Adelaide's diary:
Our Lady appeared at eight that day. She was dressed like
in the first apparition. She smiled but not so cheerfully
like on the other occasions, but her voice was sweet.
She said: Dear
daughter, I am sorry I must leave you, but my time has passed.
Do not lose heart if you do not see me for a while. Think
of what I have told you; I will come back in your hour. You
will be a little martyr in this valley of real sorrows. Do
not get discouraged, I wish my triumph to happen soon. Pray
for the Pope and tell him to act quickly because I want to
be solicitous to everyone in this place. Anything is required
from me, I will intercede with my Son for it. I will be your
award if your martyrdom is cheerful. These words of mine will
be of great comfort to you in your trials. Endure everything
patiently and then you will reach me in Paradise. Those who
make you suffer intentionally will not come to Heaven if they
do not make amends for their wrongs and do not repent deeply.
Cheer up, because we will meet again, my dear little martyr.
I felt a sweet and gentle kiss on my forehead, then she disappeared
like she had done the other evenings.
N. B. The two white doves preceded each visit of Our Lady.
The Blessed Virgin always had white roses on her feet ".
solar phenomenon was observed also on the 31st May, both at
Ghiaie and in other places. Many recoveries took place on that
day. |

La pagina del Diario di Adelaide:
31 Maggio |