Date: Monday 15th May 1944
Time: 18:00
Attendance: Adelaide, 2 little girl friends and a hundred people
Vision: The Holy Family (brighter than usual)
From Adelaide's diary:
"Little before six hours, I reached the place of the apparitions with my girl friends: Itala Corna and Giulia Marcolini. It took me quite a long time to get there, as the road was crowded. The bright spot preceded by the two white doves appeared soon and slowly came nearer and nearer, showing the Holy Family in a brighter way than usual. Baby Jesus' bright and blue eyes of this apparition attracted my attention especially. His frock - which covered Him from tip to toe - was threadbare, in the shape of a pink-coloured gold-starred shirt. Our Lady was wearing a blue dress with a white long veil coming down for her head. Small stars formed a glory around her face; on her feet, she had two roses and in her joined hands, the Rosary.

Many people had urged me to ask Our Lady to heal their children and to ask when peace would come. I reported everything to the Lady who answered me: “Tell them that if they want their children to be healed they must repent, pray a lot and avoid certain sins. If people repent soon the war will finish in two months, otherwise it will go on for two more years." She told her beads with me then they slowly drew away and disappeared".

From the stream of people who arrived afterwards, it was believed that all the prayers and repentance Our Lady had asked for had been accomplished and everybody thought that the war would finish within two months' time. Instead, two months after that 15th of May, on Thursday the 20th of July there was the attempt on Hitler's life, which caused the beginning of Germany's decline and its successive defeat. The war lasted until the end of Easter 1945, with the gradual cessation of hostilities. Our Lady had foretold that event exactly: "little less than two years".


Interpretazione dell'Apparizione
della Sacra Famiglia