Date: Sunday 21st May
Time: 18:00
Attendance: About 200.000 people
Vision: The Holy Family |
The apparition
of that Sunday was the last of the first cycle. Since the early
morning, a human stream flowed into Ghiaie di Bonate. A sturdy
fence was raised all around the place of the apparitions and
in the late afternoon some keen men got several sick people
lay down inside it. During the apparition, Adelaide was submitted
to several tests by the physicians present. |
From Adelaide's diary:
This apparition was also preceded by the doves and the Holy
Family revealed itself in the bright spot. They were dressed
like yesterday, but they stood in the middle of a church.
Towards the main door there was: a greyish donkey, a white
sheep, a white-haired brown-spotted dog, and a customary brown
horse. The four beasts were kneeling and moved their mouth
as if in prayer. Suddenly the horse got up and passing by
Our Lady's shoulders went out of the open door and set out
along the only road leading to a field of lilies, but it could
not tread on as many as it wanted because Saint Joseph ran
after it and got hold of it. As soon as the horse saw Saint
Joseph, it tried to hide near a low wall that served as enclosure
of the field of lilies; there it let itself be caught docilely.
Lead by Saint Joseph, it got back to the church where it knelt
down and resumed its prayers.
That day I explained that vision only by saying that the
horse was a bad person who wanted to destroy the good ones.
Now I can better explain the feelings produced in me by that
vision. In the horse I envisaged a superb person, wicked and
greedy for power. After giving up prayer, he wanted to destroy
the lilies of the magnificent field by trampling on and destroying
their freshness and simple candour stealthily. It should be
noted that while the horse was ravaging the field it showed
a hint of mischief as it tried not to be seen. When the horse
saw Saint Joseph coming its way it gave up its stealthy damage
and tried to hide near the low wall enclosing the field. Saint
Joseph approached it with a sweet look of reproach and led
it back to the house of prayer. While the horse was doing
damage, the other animals did not interrupt their prayers.
IThe four animals stand for the four indispensable virtues
to make a holy family. The horse - the leader - must not give
up praying because when far from it, it is only capable of
mess and ruin. It thus rejects patience, faithfulness, meekness
and familiar silence, symbolized by the other beasts. Nobody
spoke in this vision and everything disappeared slowly.
N. B. The peculiar spots of the dog's hair stand for the corrupted
family faithfulness. The open door of the temple is a figure
of the freedom that God grants to every creature. "
That evening
impressive solar phenomena took place at Ghiaie di Bonate and
in Lombardy.
Many were the testimonies of the people
who were on the spot or in the neighbouring villages. Towards
six hours, the sun came out of the clouds, whirled dizzily on
itself projecting beams of yellow, green, red, blue, violet
light in all directions; the beams of light coloured the clouds,
the fields, the trees and the stream of people. After a few
minutes the sun stopped its whirl and those phenomena began
soon again. Many noticed that the disc had turned white like
a Host; the clouds seemed to be lowering down on the people.
Some noticed a Rosary in the sky, some others a majestic Lady
with a trail cloak. Some other people, further off, saw Our
Lady's face looming in the sun. From Bergamo many witnesses
observed the sun become pale and radiate all the rainbow colours,
shed in all directions; they also noticed a large yellow light
beam falling over the Ghiaie perpendicularly. |

Interpretazione dell'Apparizione
della Sacra Famiglia |